Want to be cool? Check out the Woot.com blog below.
Want to have proof you are cool? Click on the above links to check out some of Woot's merchandise to purchase. I have bought a few items from Woot and I was pleased with the whole process. They are a Texas company located in Carrollton (north Dallas) and have been acquired by Amazon based off their l33t monkey and selling skills.
Besides proving that you are cool, if you click on the above links and buy something, some of your money will go to a worthy cause, feeding this hungry blogger.
So check back here whenever you come to TasteOfZach and check out what Woot has on sale that day. Sometimes it is a cheap(in a good way) electronic(ipod, computer, etc.) and sometimes it is literally titled "bag of crap". Either way the writing for each product is very entertaining.